Friday, October 15, 2010

I went MIA again!

Wow, this post is hard to even start. I think when one leaves blogland for three weeks, one gets overwhelmed thinking about all she has to catch up on and what a long post she needs to write. Thus, putting it off even longer. So I will not update you on everything I've done over the past three weeks, of every bite I've had or every run I've ran, I'll just give you the important details.

First up, my weigh-in updates. On 9/29- 166 (+.5), 10/6 - 167 (+1), 10/13- 171 (+4!). I know, not good! Let me tell you what happened the week going into 10/13. This happened:

That's right a vacation to San Diego, for just my hubby and me. This meant eating out and I did not always make the best choices. Worst choice #1 was going to Trader Joe's and buying guormet chocolate covered almonds and then eating them all in one day. Then going back and buying more. I was out of control!
I did run on the beach 3 out of the 4 mornings we were there. And it was beautiful! I could do that every morning, now if only I had a beach and ocean nearby.

I just spent about 20 minutes writing a lovely post, only to find out it wasn't being saved and the connection to blogger was lost. Grrrrr! I don't think I have the energy to re-write it.

Let me just say, I am committed to getting back on track with my eating and exercising. Eating is the real challenge. The last couple of weeks have opened my eyes up to how I ever got to where I was at the start of this journey. Knowledge is everything.

I want to thank Corletta for checking in on me while I was away. Also, I received two emails at just the right time. Thank you to Leah and Mel for those! They actually used inspiring in the same sentence as me. They also referred to my running achievments. These two emails really reminded me of how far I've come and inspired me to not go back.

Have a great day, everybody. It's great to be back!


  1. Welcome back!!!

    "Eating is the real challenge." is something I'm dealing with AGAIN. If I would simply remember that exercise helps my heart get stronger and my body to tone, but it's not a license to eat tons I'd be doing great.

    In fact as I was struggling through a jog today I told myself, "Remember how you feel right now the next time you want to indulge in cheesecake (like I did on Saturday)." :)

  2. Your holiday sounds wonderful and so glad you were able to run on the beach.

    It will feel good to be back on track in every way.


  3. I am glad to see you are back!!!
    Holidays are a tough one. (((hugs))) It is all about getting back at it...isn't it?!?!? That is true success. Good for you!

  4. Welcome back! I just went through something so similar. I went off track for a bit. We are entitled once in a while. You are back into the swing of things now and all will be fine!


  5. You ARE inspiring!! I meant it and still do. I have 100% confidence in you and think you are doing amazing. Can't even tell you how much you've influenced me to change. =]

    <3 Mel
