Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hello, my friends. I hope everyone is enjoying their Monday, thus far. Mine is going great. That's right, a great Monday. Why so great? You see, after a VERY hectic week last week, in which everyday seemed to be filled with committments I actually have no where I have to be today. I have dedicated this day to cleaning (and a little blogging). I don't think I have ever been so excited to have a day of cleaning. I have vacuumed, mopped my floors, deep cleaned my kitchen and washed and dried 4 loads of laundry (folding will come after blogging).

I think last week was the first week since I started this journey way back in January that my exercise was really off track. When I turned my Garmin on today, Leo showed that the last routine was TEN days ago! I did run on the treadmill last Monday and with the kids for their jog-a-thon at school on Friday, but that was the extent of my running or walking. I think I hopped on the exercise bike a couple of times, but that was it.

Factor the little exercise in with some poor food choices (involving drive- thrus) and the scale is up. Last Wednesday I was celebrating 40 pounds lost, this Wednesday I will be happy with a small gain if that is all. Today the scale was up 2 1/2 pounds. I have a couple of days to get it down before my official weigh-in. I got back on track this morning by meeting my friends for our interval training of 3.5 miles and I did the exercise bike for 40 minutes. Exercise should not be a problem this week. Hallelujah!

On a happy note...I am still getting a ton of compliments! I think it helps that I have bought new church clothes that are my correct size. So people, please stop wearing the too big, baggy clothes when you have shrunk a bit. Go out and get something new, you are totally worth it! Maybe I'll post pics of my new outfits another day.

I hope you are all well and staying on track.


  1. Love the compliments....something to hold on to on the rough days for sure!!!

    Here is to a better week for you!

  2. Great post!!!

    Also noticing that I'm getting more compliments as I wear clothes that are the correct size instead of the too-big items.

    I also love to have a day of housecleaning after a busy week! Enjoy your afternoon!

  3. Remember those compliments to get you back on track!

  4. Would love to see the new clothes. I do think clothes that fit make a huge difference! Good for you!

  5. Yeah for rewarding yourself with new clothes!You deserve it.

  6. Sent you an email, Barbara...thinking of you!

  7. Hey ma'am...where are you? I miss ya!

  8. We can all relate to this post Barbara. How many of us have never had an off week or two? It sounds like you are keeping a positive attitude like always! That's why I love visiting your blog, it's a no excuses, no whining zone. LOL!
