Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Changing our Mind-Set

Good morning, everybody. Today is Wednesday, which usually means a weigh-in for me. But since Leah and I are using Thursdays as our official weigh-ins for our November Throw Down Challenge, my official weigh-in days will be Thursdays for the time being. I'll just let you all in on a secret, had today been an official weigh-in day I would have ROCKED this week. I did lose 1.5 lbs between last Wed. and Thurs. and since Thurs. was my official starting weight my loss may not be as great tomorrow. However, up until this morning I was pretty worried about my weigh in. Let's just say it usually always evens out. I guess that would be an argument against weighing yourself every day. The ups and downs can really get to you.

My thoughts today center around our mind-set. Have you been on a healthier living journey for awhile now, but still consider yourself an over-weight, over-eater and out-0f-shape person? Have you forgot to look at your progress along the way? Have you increased your exercise and still consider yourself the out-of-shape Sophomore in High School who came in last in the mile run in PE? (Oh, wait is that just me? I wasn't even really overweight, but still came in last. I did kick butt in the speed walking event, though).

Last week I laid out my exercising and eating goals for the month on here. One reader, Christina, warned against not taking in enough calories if I was upping my exercise. I read it and thought, "ppppphhh, I definitely take in plenty of calories!". Well, after feeling like I wasn't seeing the results on the scale that I would like for a couple of days. I went back to Christina's comment. I pulled out a book I own called, "Losing It!". I love this book, it is a no non-sense book about living healthily. No gimmicks, just good sound advice about eating more healthily and moving more. In the book, she has a chart to look up how many calories you should be consuming per day. It takes in account age, exercise habits and goals. I found my age (31-50) and my goal (weight loss of 1-2 lbs. per week) and then looked at the exercise options. The first being sedentary, the next moderately active and finally Active. I have been basing my calorie budget on being sedentary-moderately active during this journey, which would mean 1400-1500 calories a day. Yesterday, I decided to read the author's definition of "Active".

Here it is: "physical activity equivalent to walking more than 3 miles (or 30-90 minutes) at 3-4 miles per hour on most days of the week"

I thought, "Ha, that's me! I am physically ACTIVE!" Now, why had I not realized this before? I think we think of people who run 7 miles a day and train for marathons or triathlons to be the really active ones. I am not that active. How could somebody who is still considered overweight on the BMI chart be considered an Active exerciser? That was my mindset. So I have adjusted my calorie goals to be 1700/day. Now, because I have been too much in the "diet mindset" it scares me to death to think I should be upping my calorie intake. It really does. But I will trust it for this month and see what happens. Of course, this means I cannot let up on my exercise routine. Also, I realize that I should make those extra calories good ones. I think I'll add more nuts and peanut butter. Love those!

Have you noticed ways that you need to change your mindset? Take a look at yourself wherever you are at in your journey. You may still have a long way to go to meet all your big goals, but take the time to see how far you have come. Today I celebrate the fact that I walk/run 3.25 miles on most days and in the beginning just getting to 2.25 miles was cause to rejoice. And then after I do that, I ride the exercise bike for another 10 miles . AND on T/TH I add 45 minutes of strength training into the mix. Yes, I am physically ACTIVE! What will you celebrate?


  1. Learning to eat the proper number of calories to lose weight was one of those difficult hurdles for me to cross. Yet, every time I hit a plateau and my trainer suggested bumping up a couple hundred calories, I broke the plateau! Funny how that works. :) Now, those extra calories are one of the motivators for staying active. :)

  2. Haha, it's so cool to be mentioned on someone else's blog! Thanks. :) I've had a lot of success losing weight on more calories than the average dieter eats, and my 'plan' has been easier to stick with because I don't feel very restricted. Back when I followed a lifting routine, I ate 2000-2500 cal/day and still lost decent amounts of weight. Haha, I love my calories!

    You are definitely active! Be proud! I'm aroudnn 190, and I run 30-35 mi/week. Haha, we overweight people can def be active!

    I'm loving your mindset!

  3. This week I celebrate that I have not pigged out on vacation so far. It's a first and plus for me.

    Looking forward to weighing in..kind of..nervous now that you mentioned "ROCK"ing it. LOL :D
