Friday, August 20, 2010

Maintenance-mode 15 pounds too soon

Hello, everybody. As you can tell by my post title, things could be better around here. Let me just tell you that I seem to be in maintenance mode the past couple of weeks (all of August actually). My exercise is what is keeping me in this game, folks. Hooray for exercise! Did I really just say "hooray for exercise"!? My eating is what is keeping me from losing the last 15 pounds I need to lose to reach my 2010 goal.

The other day I was talking to a friend. She shared with me a story about another friends of hers who had lost a lot of weight by running and such, but then gained it all back because she got tired of running all the time. Do you hear the sirens going off in my head?

I have been thinking about this since she told me it. What if I injured myself running and couldn't run for awhile or what will happen when the snow comes and the weather is crummy and I am banished to treadmill workouts?

So this is me saying that I really need to get back on the "stick to the eating plan" train! For me that means, no more than 1500 calories a day and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. It also means that I will/can go over my calories one day per week. Just not 3 or 4, as has probably been the case this month. I've said this before and not followed through, but the best way for me to stick to my eating plan is by tracking my calories. Sparkpeople here I come, for real this time! I used sparkpeople in the beginning, but have gotten cocky a bit and figure I know it all now and can just kind of keep track of my calories mentally.

On the good news front, I had another 5K PR today. This morning I ran a 5K in 34:24. And I had my longest straight run of 2.6 miles. Hooray for exercise!

Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. Eating is the tough part for me, too. What you said about your friend's friend losing weight by running really hit home for me.I don't think I'llget tired of exercising, but an injury and nasy weather are real possibilities. Scaling back my eating would be super tough! Good luck with returning to counting calories. If I didn't track mine, my eating would be crazy! Congrats on the PR, lady! That is awesome! So is running 2.6 mi without stopping!

  2. Eating is also the hardest part for me still and thus why I'm focusing on fixing it. :) I'm with you, what if something happens and I'm unable to workout for a bit?? I don't want to gain weight because I solely depended on my workouts to lose/maintain the weight.

    Great job on the running PR!!

  3. I'm the opposite... I've got my eating 100 percent under control. I don't have cravings. i don't munch. I get my 5-9 produce servings in... I have such a balanced diet that it's riduculous but I'm haphazard about my exercise. Hang in there! You'll reach goal!

  4. Logging is my go-to tool when I can't exercise and I feel like my eating isn't right where I want it to be. Plus, I like to do it now and then just to make sure I'm remembering my calories correctly. :)

    Congrats on the PRs!

  5. Controlling my eating will always come first for me, because I just can't exercise enough to make the weight fall off. Working out WILL tone me, shape me, make me feel good, and up my metabolism, but the calories in are the most important in my book. So I think you are wise in redirecting yourself. :)

    Congrats on your PR! My first 5K of the season isn't until October and I sure hope I can break my old PR of 35:49!
