Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Good morning, bloggers! Thank you for all the birthday wishes. It was a great day, even though I binged on German Chocolate cake with my mom's homemade frosting. Actually, that probably made it a better day! I felt a little guilty and a bit disappointed that I chose to eat at a Mexican restaurant for my birthday dinner out. I just couldn't help myself. It was my birthday after all! We all know that there are no healthy choices at a traditional Mexican restaurant. But it was my birthday and it only comes one day a year so I enjoyed it all for the most part.

Despite all that, my scale results this morning were okay. I weighed in at 171 for a loss of .5. I still need to get back the 1.5 pounds I gained two weeks ago, but am glad to erase last week's gain! And I'm very glad that I can enjoy my birthday one day a year without disastrous scale results. :)

Yesterday, was my first day in 10 years of having the whole day to myself here at home. Dropping my 1st grader off at school was harder than I thought it would be. I thought I would be doing a little dance of joy, but instead I had to hold back tears. 1st grade with my girls was hard for me, but I thought it would be different with him because he really can be challenging sometimes.

So here I am a stay at home mom without any kids to stay home with during the day. What to do? With my kid's year-round school schedule, getting a job is a bit difficult. It would have to be VERY flexible. Yesterday, I was able to go to my strength class in the morning and then after the kids went to school I was able to go on a walk outside and do the exercise bike, too. Then I showered and I still had a lot of the day left! That was weird. But very nice, too! I plan on reading more (without feeling guilty about ignoring my kids), exercising a little more, offering up more church service, refining my housekeeping and cooking skills and having real grown-up lunches with friends. I think I can get used to this new life! And I'm sure just as soon as I do, it will be time for my kids to go on their first three week break from school and we'll have to find a whole new routine.

So what do you all choose to do when you have free time? And I would love to hear input from any of you more seasoned moms about how you adjusted to having all your kids in school all day.


  1. I'm going to turn off my phone, lower the blinds, lock the door, turn of the internet and write. That's it.

  2. Good morning! First off, I loved "very glad that I can enjoy my birthday one day a year without disastrous scale results. " That's a great week indeed!!!

    Secondly, I am going to the gym after my kids leave in the mornings and then I try and get all my housework done and grocery shopping, errands, etc. etc. If I stay on task I will find myself with lots of time to do handwork (I am working on some cross stitching that has gone to the wayside) or scrapbooking, or the lunches you mentioned. Of course, "staying on task" means for me that I don't waste away my time on the internet reading too many blogs or just browsing. Unfortunately, I'd probably get a lot more done if I could stay away from the computer so much.

    Your reading sounds like a great way to spend that extra time. I know I love afternoons when I don't have any pressing household needs and can just enjoy a book.

    My oldest kids start jr. high tomorrow and I'm so nervous for them today. oh my... :)

  3. I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday.

    Occasional Special days are part of life. We are meant to enjoy them. There is no problem until we turn every day into an 'occasional eating fest.'

    I guess you'll feel weird for a while but time has a way of filling up just like empty cupboards. *life's funny like that*

  4. I used to pick up the house as soon as my kids had left for school and then the whole day was MINE ALL MINE!!! Believe me, you will not only get used to it quickly, but enjoy it immensely!

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed your birthday splurge! That's what birthdays are for!

    I don't have kids, but losing my job after 30 years of working called for some adjustments. LOL But like Margie Anne said, time does fill up! I'm working on getting more out of it, but it's a struggle.

  6. Lucky!! If it were me I would probably volunteer. (After finishing the 10 million unfinished projects I never get to.)
