Wednesday, September 22, 2010

40 Feels Great!

Good morning, my blogging friends. You may notice something unusual about my title since it is Wednesday and I didn't use my normal Weigh-In-Wednesday title. Well, today I am celebrating a new milestone. This morning I weighed in at 165.5, for a one pound loss. And I have now officially lost 40 pounds! Woo hoo! I must say I am quite pleased with myself :) ! Now, to not get too cocky.
I still have 10 pounds to lose this year. And I plan on doing that. I must admit 9 months ago, losing 50 pounds seemed daunting. Even after I had lost 25 pounds, I thought "how am I going to lose the rest?". But now I am confident that it can be done. It has taken diligence and hard work up to this point and that is what it will take the rest of the way. Actually, that is what it will take from here on out, forever. I'm in this thing for the long haul.
Besides, looking better and wearing smaller sizes I feel great. I feel great physically and mentally. It is nice to know I can set my mind to something, come up with a plan, be patient and see it through the end (well, I will see it through the end). It is a great life lesson I will try to apply to aspects of my life.

What lessons have you learned through your own weight loss journey that you are applying to other areas of your life?


  1. WOO-HOO! Congratulations! You've accomplished a lot and learned even more!

    Like you, I learned that I am more than capable of setting goals and then finding ways to make them happen, even if imperfectly. (It's that imperfect part that makes it fun. :))

  2. Yaaaaay Barbara!!! 50 lbs is an amazing accomplishment and you should be so happy with yourself! Isnt it amazing how we change as a person with the wweight loss? It is so much more than just a number on the scale. Finally I see the light!

    Keep up the great work1


  3. AWESOME!!! You are doing so great!!!

    What have I learned?!?!?
    I think the biggest thing I have learned is that everyday is new....without any mistakes and I get to start new each and every day. This is so helpful to me because when I fail/have a bad eating day there is still hope for tomorrow!

  4. Congratulations, Barbara!!! You are almost there - don't let anything stop you from reaching your 50-lb. goal - you can do it!!!

  5. You are my inspiration, yet again!!! I'm hoping I can make it to 15 pounds lost this year, and that's only 1.5 pounds away!!!
    Keep up the great work...I KNOW you can do it!!!

  6. 50 lbs in 9 months is monumental Barbara! WTG!
    I too dropped 50 but it was over a longer period of time (maybe 2 years??). It taught me that I needed to raise the bar in other areas of my life and since then I have.

  7. Bravo! Bravo! Take a bow Barbara! That has to feel good. Those 10 pounds will be history soon.

  8. Now I'm sad I didn't make time to check this sooner.


    You deserve a button on your blog for reaching 40 pounds lost.

    A lesson I'm currently learning is that the small choices make a big difference and many times the immediate satisfaction of eating something is not always worth it or worth more than the long term satisfaction of seeing the weight come off and reaching my healthier, happier goals. :)

    Have a great weekend!! You should celebrate your momentous occasion with something...a pedicure or new running shirt? Have fun!
