Friday, September 10, 2010


Well, hello everybody. Yes, it is me, your sporadic blogging friend. Didn't I promise to do better once my kids were back in school? Who would have known that life only seems crazier now that I have all this time to myself?! By the time I get it all figured out, my kids will have their first track break! I just don't see life slowing down anytime soon. So, I have been debating about the whole blogging thing. To blog or not to blog? This morning I decided I would post my weigh-in from Wed. and at least try to be diligent in that and take time at least one day a week to catch up on other blogs. I logged on to the computer to do my entry and what did I find, but a comment from sweet Leah checking in to see if I had weighed in. Now, that my friends is the reason for blogging! I love my blogging friends and I am grateful for Leah for caring at all and wanting to keep me accountable. It's a good thing, too. Because although I had logged on to the computer to post, I am easily distracted and it may not have happened. :)

Anyway, my weigh-in for Wednesday was 168.5 for a gain of .5. You know it wasn't a stellar eating week, when you rejoice that the gain wasn't as large as you had anticipated. So , yes, I am actually happy with the minor gain. Over the holiday weekend, we spent time with family boating and such. Food is always involved. It could have been worse, but it also could have been better. I've decided that holidays are no longer allowed to fall on Mondays (or Tuesdays) since the beginning of the week is usually my time to get back on track with exercise and diet from the weekend. That's not to say that I always do horribly on weekends, I just do better on Mondays.

I plan on doing another 5K next weekend. I'm not sure if I'll be able to run the whole thing, but I am hoping for a new PR. I have been running most mornings with my friends. I call it my "speed training" because I can't go as long, due to their speedy pace. The last time I ran on my own, my pace was a bit quicker, so I think my speed training is working. However, at this point I think it is more important for me to work my way up to being able to run 3 miles than to have a quicker pace. What about you all? Do you have distance goals or speed goals? What is more important to work on?

I better not take too much longer or I won't have as much time to read your blogs. I received an award a couple of weeks ago that I never posted. I think I will use that as incentive to post on Monday. So stay tuned.....


  1. Just blog when you can. Life is busy.

    You are doing great with your weight loss. That 1/2 lb will be gone in no time :)

  2. I'm not a runner, but I'd think mixing it up with 'speed work' and your regular runs would be a good thing. Keeps your metabolism guessing. :)

    And fwiw, I think you should blog and read blogs when you have time and only then. It's all about taking care of yourself and your family first! (But I'm selfish enough to hope you find time for us at least once a week. LOL)

  3. I find it easier to increase my distance, than to improve my speed. In the end, I burn more calories, going the longer the distance and I"m not out to win races. I would like to see my speed improve eventually though. It is tricky. I think I need a trainer!

  4. I'm working at becoming a runner myself, and I seem to not necessarily work on distance or speed, but I guess time-wise. Even if I'm plugging along, 10 minutes of running is still 10 minutes of running. Maybe that's considered "distance" running, but I'm not sure!

  5. Welcome back!!! :) Just teasin'...

    Since the treadmills at the base only allow for a 30-minute jog I am working at upping my speed a little. Still debating doing a 5K this fall, because I'm worried I won't be faster than last April. We'll see ... great job on keeping up with your running!!!

    Checking in once a week is great when you're a busy mom. I know what that is like right now. :)

  6. I cut back on posting recently. That still leaves me time to read other blogs and comment, which I love to do. The best part for me is the community and sharing support:) It seems to be a real trend lately for bloggers to cut back and find balance. Do what works for you:)
