Monday, June 28, 2010

A Totally Random Monday

Good morning, everybody. Thank you all for your positive, supportive comments on my last post regarding my new goal. I really feel like I can do it now! I hope you all had a great weekend! My weekend was pretty great (besides team USA getting knocked out of the World Cup). Here is my weekend update and some randomness for you all.

Friday, was my daughter's 5th grade program, it was a patriotic one. I loved it and it made me appreciate this great country of ours even more. I look forward to celebrating Independence Day this weekend. Before the program, they had a states parade. Each 5th grader had to do a report on one of the states and make up a mini-float for the parade. My daughter's state was Georgia. It was fun and stressful putting the float together and very rewarding to watch the parade.

Friday night, we spent the evening with old friends who moved away to Georgia about 7 years ago. They have just moved back to Utah and live only about 5 miles from us. It was great, just like old times. I am so excited to have them back here for good.

Saturday, I completed Week 7, Day 1 of the C25K training by running for 25 minutes straight. Woo, woo! I think it is mostly mental with me. If I get on the treadmill with no expectations and just start running and push myself that extra 1/4 mile or 5 minutes I can do it. Otherwise, I pysch myself out. Like today. I was going to attempt Day 2 of Week 7, but talked myself out of it. Here are my excuses (maybe valid, maybe not), I got very little sleep last night so my energy level is low. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. to go to my exercise class this morning and we did kickboxing so my legs and arms are pretty sore. I just couldn't run far.

Recently, I bought a new dress. I have always admired the wrap around dresses and even have tried them on before, but have never felt comfortable enough with how I look in them to buy them. They usually have fun prints and I'm a more wear a simple black skirt with a blouse, don't be noticed, kind of gal. Anyway, I saw a dress (size L) on the clearance rack at Kohl's for $15 and had to try it on. I actually thought I looked okay, plus the price couldn't be beat. Even if I decided later on I didn't want to wear it, it was only $15.

When I excitedly told my husband I had found it on the clearance rack, he told me , "that's great, but you don't have to only buy things on the clearance rack". This got me thinking a lot. I know there is nothing wrong with the clearance rack and I love a good deal, but I think part of me wonders if I'm not worth spending the money for more expensive clothes. This is something I'll have to ponder. It could be I am just cheap! :)

Anyway, I wore the dress for the second time to church yesterday and had my husband snap a pic, so here I am in my new dress:

Leah, recently awarded me the Beautiful Blogger award and I graciously accept it here now. If you have never checked out Leah's blog at My New Ending, go check it out. She is truly a beautiful blogger and I am honored that she considers me one, too. :)

So now I am suppose to tell you 7 things about myself.

1.) I am an only child and was raised by a single mom. This is a bit of a rarity in my community, where large families are common. My mom is one of my best friends and I have many good memories growing up.

2.) I went to 6 different Elementary Schools. I think I adapted well and learned how to make friends easily. However, because I moved around so much I can't say I have one childhood friend that I have known my whole life. My oldest and dearest friend is someone I met in 8th grade.

3.) I spent 18 months in Argentina on a mission for my church. It was the hardest, best thing I've ever done, next to being a parent. Because of this, Argentina is my new favorite team in the World Cup :)!

4.) My hubby and I had our first date when we were 15 and Sophomores in High School. We dated a few more times during our teen years, but it wasn't until we were in our early twenties that we really got serious. We have been married for 13 1/2 years. I love him and consider him my best friend and more!

5.) I graduated from college with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies, but have never been paid to use my degree. Unless, of course, you count hugs and kisses because I use it everyday in my home. In the early years of my oldest daughter's life, my husband would look at me as if I should know everything. I would just laugh and say, "It seems a lot easier when you read about this in books."

6.) Most of you probably know this, but it is a big part of me so I'll say it again: I LOVE SPORTS! My favorite sports are College football and NBA basketball. But I can really sit down and watch any sport. I do have to pick a team or individual to root for though, to fully enjoy the experience.

7.) I have two different colored eyes. One is hazel with brown specks in it and the other one is hazel/blueish. It really depends on the light. It has always made me little self-conscious because once people notice they just stare really deep into my eyes. I don't know why so much eye contact makes me nervous, but it does. At least, I know who really looks me in my eyes.

So there are my random things about me. Now I am suppose to pass this on to some people. This is always the hardest part. I love so many blogs, yet feel like I am passing them on to the same people a lot. You know who you are. So today, I am going to pass them on to my newest followers/commenters. Some of them just started blogging. You should go check them out so they can feel your love, much as I do. They are:

Sarah @ Creating Sarah
Taylor @ Tay's Life
Lori Lynn @ Sunflowers n Daisies
Maya @ I hate the Waiting Game

Okay ladies, the rules are you post the award picture on your blog. Then you tell us 7 things about yourself and mention a few bloggers you think are beautiful.

I hope everyone has a great Monday!


  1. Great picture. Congratulations on the award! :-)

  2. Why thank you! haha

    If I ever see a dress on sale.. I HAVE to buy it. It's on sale! how can you not? And, it looks wonderful! :)

  3. You look so pretty! I'm glad you have an old friend to reconnect with, and to have so much success in your goals. I psyche myself out lately too. I haven't even been running lately.

  4. I did not think I would ever find another person who had a degree in human development and family studies!! I graduated from UCONN with the same degree!! My husband too looks at me like I should just know this stuff when the kids are being nuts!

  5. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I've seen these kind of things around on different blogs and never thought I'd get one. haha I'm so excited. (:

    Anyway, we did a similar thing in elementary school -- minus the floats. My birthday is July 4th though, so that makes me smile. (:

    One of my best friends when on a mission trip to Argentina! I've only been within the US on mission trips, but they're truly one of my favorite things in the world. My goal is to make it to Africa one of these days.

    Another one of my good friends has two different colored eyes -- just like yours, actually. Crazy!

    Thanks again, and you look absolutely amazing in your dress! I'm about to go try to find one for my birthday. Wish me luck! ♥

  6. my son has two different colored eyes too! you have to really look at him to see it, but he loves pointing this out to people!
    and i have family (from italy originally) who ened up in argintina! i have to ask-do people go around singing 'dont cry for me...' from evita? i know i would!

  7. You look great! Sale or not, it's you wearing the dress that makes it look so good-and the big smile on your face doesn't hurt either :)

  8. are so kind! Though I feel great, I don't feel like I have arrived! I know..I'm weird. I am trying not to allow this laziness to set in. We'll see what happens!!! Thanks...ALWAYS for your encouragement! By the look so great in that dress!!! Love it :)

  9. Oh my goodness!!! You look awesome!!!!!

  10. I also have two different colored eyes! One is green and the other is hazel. I say it's because my mom has green eyes and my dad has hazel eyes so I got one of each. I'm glad to learn there's someone else out there who has two different colored eyes.

  11. My random comments:
    -You look so pretty in your new dress!
    - I tend to look people in the eyes and also wonder why people don't do it more.
    - Great job on the jogging!
    - Don't feel back...Mexico's out as of yesterday. *sigh*

    Stop on by blog to post some of your thoughts on Freedom. I'd love to hear from you! :)

  12. You look wonderful and the dress really suits you.

    Finding clothes with pretty colours is nearly impossible in New Zealand. We can by every shade of black, grey, white and brown but not much else. I love shopping in USA because even in larger sizes there are plenty of good colours.

  13. cute dress- you look great! :)

  14. Love the dress! You look so young and happy!

  15. You look gorgeous in that dress and it fits you perfectly - great find!

  16. Your dress looks great on you. I always love a good deal and when it looks great even better. Keep up the great work. You help inspire those around you.

  17. You look wonderful! I'm so impressed with your running and general activity level, you are doing great. I wouldn't read too much into your thriftiness...I wish more were. 18 months in Argentina? Can you still speak Spanish?
