Thursday, June 10, 2010

Weigh-In-Wednesday (A day late)

I have to be honest, I really did not want to write this post. I almost skipped it. Yesterday was my weigh-in day and I have a legitimate reason for not posting. I was at the zoo all day on the kindergarten field trip. Fun times (she said a bit sarcastically)!

Today I got sucked into the worldwide (evil) web! I have been browsing vacation homes all morning for a trip we are planning to Orlando next year. It is definitely time for me to get off the computer, but I figure I might as well do something productive on here. We all know that spending hours writing posts and reading blogs is much more productive than just browsing the web, right? :)

My weigh-in yesterday was 176.5, for no gain and no loss. This is my first maintain and it is a bit frustrating. The 30 lb. mark still eludes me! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, seeing how my eating hasn't been on track. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that I can't seem to get back into the groove of eating better, I could be encouraged that I did not gain. Doing my best and still not losing would be a lot worse. I can definitely do better!

It has been 2 days since I did cardio, unless you count walking around the zoo all day chasing kindergartners. I meant to do it today after my strength class, but then the worldwide evil web got in the way!

At least I wrote the post and am still making myself be accountable. I can do this, right? My motto: I can do hard things. I will get back on track, starting right now. Thanks for listening everybody! Have a great day!


  1. I have been maintaining for awhile now when I too know that I could be doing much better in toning my body...still too many squishy parts.

    So...I can only say that I know where you are coming from and seem to see a lot of other folks in a summer doldrum on their fitness goals.

  2. I just started my own blog (still so much to learn...) for my journey to lose 50 pounds the last half of 2010! Hopefully, I will have as much success as you have had. Keep up the good work. I'm sad to say, I've done it before! I've never been this big (195), but I can do this (right?). I teach elementary school and chasing kindergarteners definitely counts as exercise! You'll get over this hurdle. Keep it up!

  3. Hey maintaining is better than gaining so it could be worse right? Losing weight is HARD. If is wasn't, everybody would be doing it. Keep pressing on and you'll get there!

  4. I think that since you weren't eating on track and you didn't gain, that's a NSV in an of itself. And look at the bright wasn't a gain either! You can hit the 30 pounds, I know you can!

  5. Wishing you an extra good week by 'making today a good day'.

    I'm sure you'll be seeing the next number down by next weight in.

  6. Maintaining's good. I know the preference is to lose, but it's nice to have a preview of how you're going to live once you're at your goal weight. :)

  7. It's hard to feel like you're doing everything right and not see the scale move one week. It may happen again, but the scale will catch up to your body. I've found the key is not to get too bothered by it, because it's normal.

  8. You made yourself post and you didn't have a gain this week. Sounds fine and you will see that 30 pounds down. Just keep up the good work and hang in there!

    Have a nice weekend.

    p.s. We saw LOTS of daycare kids at the zoo today and LOTS of little kids...I can imagine your experience with the zoo..LOL :)

  9. You can do this! Good for you posting when you didn't want to. Keep going!
