Friday, January 29, 2010

Confession time

Here we are at the end of another week. Woo hoo, it's Friday! I must confess that this week has not been the best week for me as far as my eating and exercising plans go. It all started on Monday when I began to raid the candy cupboard. I was only going to eat one of the candy cane kisses, I promise. I ended up eating about 20! That's not the worst of it. I knew that on Monday evening we had plans to go as a family to the local bakery and get a treat after we helped clean our church. I was planning on having one of their fabulous brownies. Of course, it wasn't in my plan to eat 20 kisses during the day. I ate a brownie anyway.
Needless to say, I was over on my calories. One day of going over isn't so bad, but then on Wednesday I ate a few more kisses from the cupboard and then a neighbor brought over a small bag of chocolates as a thank you for a dinner we made her. So I ate more chocolate! It wasn't much but more than I had planned on eating that day. I weighed myself on Thursday and I was up 1/2 lb. from Wednesday and wasn't totally surprised. Yesterday was a better eating day and I was down 1 lb from yesterday. I would love to hear everyone's philosophy about weighing yourselves. How often? Once a day? Once a week? I usually only do it twice a week. I wanted to the last couple of days because I knew my eating hadn't been great and I wanted to stay on track.

I have done the treadmill 4 out of 5 of the days this week, but due to commitments early in the morning I have only done my Biggest Loser game once and have not done "The Shred" at all. I just can't bring myself to exercise if it is not first thing in the morning. I get too busy with the day and I don't want to shower twice. I really admire all of you out there who work outside of the home and still find time to exercise regularly. Anyway, I plan on getting on the treadmill and doing my game tomorrow.

Today is a new day to stay on plan and next week is a new week. One day at a time, right?


  1. I am not a good person to give advice on the scale at all. Ideally, I would love to only get on the scale once a week. The thing I hate about the scale is the power I hand over to it. Get on the's you are so good. Get on the's up...tell myself how awful I am.

    Yes, this is one day at a time. I think the success for you is that you had some extra chocolate BUT then you had a good eating day. You didn't turn it into a whole week of extras which is so easy to do.

    Just keep plugging, you'll get there :)

  2. I had to stop buying chocolate, it calls my name and won't stop until I eat it.

    For me, weighing daily keeps me honest and I can see that the fluctuations aren't always caused by my habits. Sometimes it's just the TOM.

  3. I weight daily, but only count the Tuesday result. Even with fluctuations, I think it is still important to keep myself aware.

    While easier said than done, simply say no. Accept the gift, but then toss it. Or simply thank them and then offer it back to them for their kids or something. If you work, take it to the office or have someone else do it.

    There is simply no point in having that stuff around just to test your strength and resolve.

    I guarantee recovering alcoholics don't hang around in bars to keep testing the resolve to stay sober.

    Hang in there Barbara!

  4. I weight myself once a day. But, I also keep in mind that there are monthly and daily fluctuations so if I'm not down on a day I should be, I don't let it upset me. I just find that if I weigh myself each day, it doesn't get too out of control.
    Don't beat yourself up about the chocolate. It happens. Just do better next week!

  5. I don't weight myself everyday...I plan to keep up with it each MONTH...maybe that's not a good why to do it (I'm not sure).
    We all have days when we do better than others I think so don't feel bad about getting the chocolate.
    I haven't been able to get on the treadmill this week much at all. I've been spending a lot of time trying to paint our Sunday School classroom...put that felt like a workout..maybe that counts huh? :)
    I like to do my treadmill at night just because I find it hard to do in the mornings these days.

  6. The candy cane kisses aren't so bad, calorie-wise, so they make a nice treat. (Maybe not 20 of them. :)) You're not that far off track.

    I'm an every-now-and-then weigher. If I weigh every day, I tend to panic at the normal upward swings. :)

  7. Don't be discouraged's a process and learning a whole new lifestyle. I think if it takes a little longer to reach your goal as far as 'weight,' then after you're there, you'll be able to more easily compensate after those days of not eating quite so healthy..because it will be a habit! Again..I'm so proud of you..hang in there.
