Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Well, today was my big weigh-in. And The Biggest Loser's scale said 198 for a loss of 1 pound. My home scale is actually reading a 1.5 lb loss, but I have said the BL scale would be my official one so that is what I'll count. However, I have never seen anything but a whole number on the BL scale so maybe it does not record half pounds. After a great first week, I am sure on the slow and steady pace, aren't I? I will be happy with the loss, though. I have reached my first goal of
-10 lbs and will reap my reward of 10 itune downloads!

So, my weigh in on BL put me below the yellow line and I was eliminated. Yes, it actually ended my challenge! I don't really like that at all about the game. I wanted to complete my 12 week training and now I have to start over. I will still play the game for the training. Maybe I should have bought Wii Active Trainer instead. Does anyone have that and what do you think?
I am seriously considering buying a new scale and using that for my official weigh-ins. Any thoughts on scales? I will do some research online. I want to find one that is accurate and does not cost more than $50.

I know I could be losing more weight if I kicked up my exercise program. Right now, I do 30 minutes on the treadmill most days and then another 30 minutes of strength training about 3 days a week. My plan has been to follow this program for awhile until I hit a wall. I know that increasing my exercise will be a way to breakthrough the wall. Am I right? Anyway, I have never been a big fan of exercise (surprise, surprise!) so starting out slow works best for me. I sure hope the old adage is correct, "Slow and steady wins the race" because I sure am a turtle.



  1. Congrats on the pound lost and reaching your goal of 10 pounds gone.

    I also am not very fond of exercise but I know it needs to be done for me to lose weight, get fit and be healthier in general. You know that strength training may be slowing down your losses for the time being but in the long run it's better for you.

    From what I've learned over the years while you strength train your muscles get these little 'tears' in them and your body then 'heals' them which leads to the stronger more toned muscles. To be able to 'heal' these 'tears' your body may hold on to a little extra fluid and such..And your losses may be smaller due to this tiny bit of fluid being retained and also the fact that your building muscle (actually gaining a little amount of weight in muscle)

    It can deter people from keeping up with it but the more you build and tone your muscle the better off you are because muscle burns more calories than fat does. So think it you gained say a 1/2 pound of muscle and lost 2 pounds of fat you would only really show a loss of 1.5 pounds on the scale.

    Now I'm not a doctor or anything but I've read ALOT of health and fitness books, I've seen alot of doctors, physical therapists, fitness instructors and such over the years that this is what they have said. Just thought I would share.

    So your loss may not be as big as you would like but just think that once you've gained more muscle strength and that muscle is burning more calories it'll help you lose more weight in the long run. HTH!

  2. I totally agree with MsMagnetism Barb..I bet you are gaining muscle, which does weigh more than fat, so just hang in there. You may be surprised and see some weeks where you lose 3-4 lbs. and really don't know why; there can be so many variables.
    Also, I like my Wii Active and you are welcome to borrow it when I'm in San Diego, unless you've bought your own by then.
    I had a really good workout on it the other night and hope I can keep it up.

  3. I can't believe it eliminated rude of that game!!

    I like my digital scale..I got it at Target..the best store in the U.S. :)

    Congrats on the loss...

  4. Yipee on your weight loss! I like my digital scale too, which is a Weight Watchers Brand, but I bought at Superstore in Canada.

  5. I hear that you lose weight at the table and gain shape at the gym. Seriously, you could just keep a reasonable caloric deficit and see good victories on the scale, but it isn't the healthiest path. You are doing just fine and at a pace that your body can accept.

    Keep it going until you hit that wall, if ever.

    Nothing sounds broke to me.

  6. Congrats on the 10 lbs!! I pushed a buggy around target with a scale in it and tried to decide if I needed to spend the money on a new one or not. I REALLY would LOVE to have a new one, but can't spend the money on it right now. IF you find one that you like please share the info with me! My Mom has a Weight Watchers scale that she likes, but I don't like it because it weighs me more than mine (hmm...I wonder whos scale is correct?)


  7. Wow your progress is awesome!! Congrats and good job on your efforts!!

  8. I feel the same way about the BL game, which is why I switched to the EA Active game. I have the original and the more workouts, and I love them! I am halfway through week 3 of the 6 week challenge and have lost about 5 pounds. (I do other workouts on my elliptical as well though.)

    As for scales, Ir recommend a good one that does body fat % as well as weight, because that is very helpful. I always use my home scale instead of going with the wii balance board weight because it is way more accurate. however my scale cost me closer to $100 but I am sure their are others. Mine does weight, BMI, body fat %, body fat lbs and water %.

  9. Congrats on getting to your first goal! The time it takes to get there isn't as important as getting there and staying! :)

    Your exercise plan looks awesome!

  10. Congrats on the loss!! I recommend the Tanita scales. They have one around $40 I believe and they are consistent.
