Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weigh-In Wednesday

Well, today was my weigh-in. And it looks as if I broke my 1-2-1 pattern after all, just not in the way I wanted to. I was hoping for a 2 pound loss on a one pound week, but instead got a 1.5 pound loss this week, which according to the pattern my body has been following, should have been 2 lbs. That's not to say I am not happy with my loss. I now weigh 191 lbs, I can see the 180's on the horizon and I am just .5 away from a total of 15 lbs. lost!

I want to be able to eat "treats" once in awhile without feeling guilty, as long as they fit into my calorie allowance. This past weekend, I ate coldstone ice cream (kid's size) on Saturday and a slice of coldstone ice cream cake on Sunday. Sunday, I went over my calorie allowance. Now, I find myself feeling guilty and thinking "would I have seen that 2 lb loss had I not had those treats?". The answer is probably, "probably". So here's the deal. I am going to be more careful about the treats I allow myself on weekends. Weekends are not freebies! Even if the treat fits into my calorie budget, the fat may not. I still think treats are okay once in awhile, I just have to learn to moderate more. I don't want to second guess myself come weigh-in day.

Yesterday, was a day off from blogging as I attended my cousin's funeral. It was a very emotional draining day. The cousin was from my dad's side of the family. I have never been very close to my dad's family and really don't know them all that well. Sad to say, I have gotten to know a few of them better on Facebook over the past couple of years than over my whole life. Anyway, seeing all of them under such terrible circumstances was draining. Not to mention, without going into a lot of detail, the family has some definite issues that were magnified yesterday and it all added to the sadness.

I made sure I packed myself a healthy lunch (turkey sandwich and carrots) . I knew I would not be able to stay for the family lunch that the church prepared for us because I had to pick up my kids. The funeral was at lunchtime. I'm glad I packed a lunch because otherwise I would have for sure stopped at a drive-thru and it is pretty hard to eat a salad while driving so I probably would not have picked a salad.

I knew I would be gone most of the day and so I planned ahead of time what we would have for dinner. I wanted something simple, but healthy. I usually eat fish for dinner the day before my weigh-in so I planned on broiling up some salmon. By the time I got home, I was really tired. I started thinking to myself, "I don't want to cook, I've had an emotionally draining day, I "deserve" to not have to cook."I thought about just getting fast food for dinner. Then I thought about my recent challenge with 15 in 15. We are supposed to figure out why we sabotage our goals just because we think we "deserve" to eat something off plan or not exercise. I think Annie's quote is "Why do you think you do not deserve to reach your goals?" No healthy fast food sounded good and certainly not better than broiled salmon. I thought about how eating off plan would have made for an even more crummy day. I also thought about how I deserved to take care of myself, both physically and emotionally. Eating fast food would not help me in either of those ways. So, I determined what I did deserve was a 15 minute catnap on the couch. I took my little nap and was ready to broil up some salmon. Dinner was easy and it was good. Now that is what I call a NSV (non-scale victory) people!

I hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

P.S. Has anyone else noticed that Lisa from "One Mom's Weight Loss" has removed her blog and disappeared. I'm so sad. Her blog was a fave of mine. I hope she is well and just decided to quit blogging but hasn't given up on her goals.

P.S.S.- I almost forgot! I completed Week 3, Day 2 of the C25k program this morning!


  1. are kicking it big time. You are on top of this, really. Mentally and physically. I'm sorry for your families loss.

    Way to keep plugging away at C25K!

  2. Great job getting through a tough day and ending on a good note!

    I saw Lise's blog was gone too! I couldn't believe it, I hope she is ok too.

  3. Congrats on the loss. Your doing wonderful, keep up the great work. I'm sorry for your loss and your emotional day. (huggles)

    I noticed Lisa's blog was gone too and I really miss her already. I hope all is well..A few people have asked me if I knew where she went to, I wish I did.

    Congrats on the C25K as well. I'm so proud of you!

  4. WOW! way to talk yourself into the healthy choice! and I'm glad you took a 15 minute nap to get some "me" time really quick!

    I miss Lisa :(

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your cousin, that is too bad.

    I am so glad you broiled the salmon and actually thought deeply about why you were sabotaging yourself by wanting to do a drive through. The journey is about breaking bad habits :)

    Congrats on the weight this week :)

  6. sorry about your loss

    it can also be stressed that held back the .5 trust me when your cortisol levels (stress) are all over it happens

    but thats an awesome loss anyways
    im jealous lol

    great NSV congrats

    i didnt notice about lisa thats sad i like her blog too
    i hope she is ok too

  7. Ya, I saw that her blog was gone, too! I love her writing, and her honesty about life.

    I know, for myself, I had to quit facebook because it took over a portion of my life....and I found myself comparing my life to what other people were presenting as theirs. I loved catching up with people, but finally made the decision that was best for me. Anyway, whenever I see a blog disappear I wonder about that. I hope she's okay!!!

    You, my dear, are doing amazing, and you are a huge inspiration to me!! I am dang, dang proud of you!!

  8. You did so good making the better choices for yourself! Your cat nap was a great idea - sometimes we just need to take the time for a breather and then we can back to focusing on what we need and want.

    I miss Lisa's blog and hope she comes back! I loved her blog and as a new blogger, I appreciated that she always made the time to comment on my posts. It surprised me how sad it made me too! Hope everything is okay.

  9. Good news on the loss! It would be nice if we could count on a nice round number, but life just doesn't work out that way. :)

  10. Sorry to hear about your difficult day.

    Yes, I have noticed that Lisa disappeared. I was going to do a post on it...was she feeling pressure to post everyday, entertain us, just what made her disappear. I'm really sad about it.

    Thanks for the award...I will be claiming it!!!

  11. Sorry to hear about your struggle yesterday. My Emma was sick yesterday with stomach stuff so I didn't get my exercise in for the day and I found myself picking at stuff and not staying on track. I find if I don't exercise and don't stay focused on the goal. Today was better. We are going to have bad days but the sun does rise again and we can do better. Keep your head high you are doing awesome.
