Thursday, March 25, 2010

Worth Waking Up For

My "baby" is five now so I am past the time in my life when my nights were mostly sleepless. You know the time when you are woken up 2-3 times a night because the baby is hungry, needs to be changed or just wants his mommy. Unfortunately for me, my kids were never great sleepers and didn't really sleep well until they were 2 or 3. For you moms out there, who are still in the "sleepless nights" stage please know how much I admire you. I admire you for mustering up the energy everyday to still exercise. I admire you for not stuffing your faces with food because you need something to do or you will fall asleep. I admire you for being moms and loving your kids, even at 2 a.m. And know, that it will get better. Someday.

Having said that, my son still gets up occasionally at night. This is the routine. He gets up, comes in our room, stands by MY side of the bed and waits for me to get up and tuck him back in his bed. It is a very short process, but still a wake up. This morning he woke up for his extra tuck in at about 5:30 a.m. I must publicly thank him for doing so. Seeing that it was 5:30 and knowing that the alarm would be going off in just 15 minutes actually got me out of bed this morning to exercise. I haven't exercised that early for a couple of weeks now. I'm blaming it on daylight savings time. Anyway, I was able to do the treadmill this morning. Had I not got up that early, exercise (or maybe grocery shopping) would not have happened today. I had to be at the school first thing to volunteer and this started off a very busy day.

As I headed down to the treadmill I was thinking to myself that I really needed to attempt Week 5, Day 2 of my C25K training. I'm averaging about a day a week of this training. W5D2 really had me nervous because it is 2 intervals of 8 minutes of running with a 5 minute walk in between. Anyway, I didn't commit myself to completing it and wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do. After a 5 minute warm-up walk I started running. After about 4 minutes I still felt pretty good and realized I just may be able to complete 8 minutes of running! And I did! I did the first interval and then during my 5 minute walk made commitments to myself as far as how long I HAD to run the next interval as well as at what point I would allow myself to consider slowing down the speed. I have to play games with my mind, you see. Anyway, I am proud to report that I completed the next 8 minute run (at my full speed- 4.7), too! Thus completing W5D2! I should also publicly thank Kenny Chesney (One of my fave singers) for releasing his latest song, "Aint Back Yet" (my new fave song). I think it got me throught the last couple of minutes of running! Have I mentioned how much I love my ipod?

Day three for 20 minutes....what the !!$$($*!! What happened to 10 minutes or even 15 minutes? I may have to add a day 2 1/4 and day 2 1/2 to this week. We'll see. I guess I will just start running and see how long I can go, not allowing myself to stop or slow down before I have ran for at least 8 minutes. Who knows when I will attempt W5D3. It could be Saturday or it could be next week. I'm happy to take the training at my own pace. I have 6 weeks until my 5K.

I'm off to conquer the last half of my busy day. Have a great day everybody!


  1. Awww..My 5 (almost 6) year old still gets up at least once most nights and climbs in my bed and so I take him back to his bed and tuck him all in..

    Great job staying up to exercise and congrats on finishing both 8 minute runs. Awesome job, I'm so proud of you. Keep up the great work. I say take your time and add in a few minutes of running a few times before attempting the 20 minute run..You'll get there, I know you will.

  2. My youngest son came into my room FOREVER. I thought that boy would never sleep through the night. I can remember nursing him in the middle of the night and popping Hershey kisses to keep myself awake. Who does that?!?

    Congrats on the running...that is super awesome!

  3. Great job running the 8 minute segments! You totally can do the 20 minutes - just take it's not that bad, I promise (says the runner enabler)!

  4. I don't think the official rules prohibit a day 2-1/4 or 2-1/2, so go for it! :) As much progress as you're making, I'm sure you'll cover the 20 minutes soon! Maybe you should reward yourself when you do?

  5. Great attitude and great job on the run - 4.7 ?? You're amazing. I admire anyone who gets up before 6/6:30 to exercise.

    You'll do fine on your 20-minute run. I was scared before that day, and when I did it I went slowly/easily. It wasn't so easy, but I was surprised when I got halfway through that I was halfway there and wasn't dying.

    It'll be easier than you think. :)

  6. Your 20 minute run sounds sooo impressive. I am convinced that running is what's going to keep my weight off this time. I love hearing about your running progress.

    Eventually, they sleep in too long! It's just as annoying because you miss them!

  7. You are doing awesome with the C25K. I had the same WTF? thought on Week 5 with the exponential progression. I found that it was all mental really. Just like you conquered day 2, you'll gear up for day 3 too.

  8. Stick with it -- you're doing great!!
